Mental health crisis breathing space
- WSCC Publication
- Adult social care publications
- Mental health crisis breathing space
- Mental health crisis breathing space
Debt support for people receiving treatment following a mental health crisis
This booklet explains about the Government’s mental health crisis breathing space scheme to help you decide whether to ask for a referral.
What is a mental health crisis breathing space?
While you are receiving crisis treatment for a serious mental health condition, a mental health crisis breathing space will:
• help stop you being chased to pay, or charged fees and interest on, your debts
• pause any enforcement action by your creditors (those you owe money to).
It will continue for 30 days after your treatment ends. The aim is to give you time and space to get the treatment you need, without having to worry about your debts growing or your creditors contacting you during your treatment.
You can only be considered for the scheme if you have a serious mental health condition and are receiving treatment for it.
An approved mental health professional (AMHP) will fill in a form to refer you for a mental health crisis breathing space. AMHPs are approved by councils with social services responsibilities, such as West Sussex County Council. Your carer or advocate (someone to speak on your behalf) can help you understand the scheme.
They can also help the AMHP by providing information about your debts. The AMHP, and your carer or advocate, can only do these things if they have your permission.
In England all referrals for a mental health crisis breathing space are received and reviewed by Rethink Mental Illness and their specialist Mental Health and Money Advice team.