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Can I use this service and will I have to pay?

If you live in your own home and have recently been experiencing difficulties carrying out daily living activities, our service may be able to help you.

These activities could be things like getting dressed, walking around your home, getting out and about, and being able to wash or make hot drinks and meals. This may be after a period in hospital or because you have not been coping as independently as you would like at home.

The Community Reablement Service is free for the period of reablement. At the end of your programme we hope you will be able to get on with life without any support.

What happens if I need support for longer?

If you need support for longer, an Occupational Therapist will review your needs with you. If you are eligible for funded social care support we will arrange an assessment with one of our benefits advisors to check whether you should pay towards the cost of any further help. The amount we may ask you to pay will depend on your personal circumstances.

A booklet called ‘Do I need to pay for social care in my home or local community?’ explains our charging scheme. You can get a
copy of this booklet from our Adults’ CarePoint by phoning 01243 642121 or emailing socialcare@westsussex.gov.uk. 


Last updated: 01 December 2023