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How will the review be carried out?


For people needing social care support

We will usually meet with you for your first review. A social care worker or another member of staff will arrange the meeting and will be responsible for keeping you informed about it. The meeting will take place somewhere that is convenient for you, for example, in your home or a suitable venue in the local community.

If you would find it helpful, as well as you and a member of our staff, your review could also involve:
• any relatives or friends who are helping to care for you;
• someone you would like to represent your views; and
• people who provide your support.

Everyone at the review will have a chance to share their views.

Not everyone needs to have a face-to-face review meeting. For example, if your needs have not changed and you are happy that your support is working well for you, you can tell us this by writing to us, emailing us or phoning us. In these cases, we will always check with you to make sure that we have clearly understood what you have told us. We may be able to carry out your review over the phone. There will be a written record of your review that will show what we have agreed.

For family and friend carers

Carers Support West Sussex carry out most of the carers’ assessments on our behalf. If they carried out your assessment, a member of their staff will carry out your review. If one of our social care workers carried out your assessment, we will carry out your review.

It may not be necessary to meet with you. You can describe your situation in writing, by email or by phone. However, if you feel you need to discuss your support face-to-face, we will arrange a meeting with you.

If your circumstances change, you can ask Carers Support West Sussex for a carer wellbeing review at any time by calling 0300 028 8888 or emailing info@carerssupport.org.uk.

Last updated: 07 July 2022