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How do I provide the documents and information you need as evidence?

If you have a face-to-face financial assessment, you can show your evidence to the member of the Assessment Team carrying it out.

Or you can send us copies of documents and information in the post or by email to wba.dutyworker@westsussex.gov.uk. You can find the full contact details for the Welfare Benefit Advisers Team on the 'Useful contacts' page. If you have any problems sending us your information by email, please phone us on 0330 222 5220.

How will I be told about any change to my contribution?

We will write to you as soon as we have carried out the reassessment to let you know if there is any change to your contribution.

What happens if I have more questions or I do not agree with my contribution?

If you have any questions about your financial assessment, speak to your social care worker or your welfare benefits adviser.

If you are a carer, you can also speak to a member of staff at Carers Support West Sussex. See page 'Useful contacts' for their contact details.

If you feel that the amount we are asking you to pay is unreasonable or that your personal circumstances are not properly shown in the financial assessment, you can ask your social care worker or welfare benefits adviser about reviewing your contribution.

Last updated: 08 June 2023