- Our multi-agency Safeguarding Adults Board
- Our pan-Sussex threshold guidance that provides a consistent approach to a safeguarding enquiry (section 42) decision making used by the Safeguarding Adults Hub
- Our system response to provider issues and service failure
Ensuring safety within the system
- Alt Home
- Care Quality Commission Self - Assessment Report
- Theme 3 - Ensuring Safety within the system
- Ensuring safety within the system
Keeping the people we support safe is our biggest priority. Our governance, systems and processes ensure our safeguarding responsibilities under the Care Act 2014 are fulfilled and that people feel safe with the care they receive. This was particularly clear in the engagement to develop our Adult Social Care Strategy and features prominently in ‘The life you want to lead’. 76% of staff agreed that Adults' Services works with people to understand what being safe means to them and it works with its partners to develop the best way to achieve this. ASCOF 2022/23 data puts West Sussex broadly in line with the England average for people who use services who say they have made them feel safe and secure, with a figure of 85.7% (England average 87.1%). The service concentrates on improving people’s lives while protecting their right to live in safety, free from bullying, harassment, abuse, discrimination, avoidable harm and neglect, it makes sure it shares concerns quickly and appropriately.
- A refresh of our pathway for commissioned services relating to quality concerns
- Making further progress in improving the experience for those transitioning from children to adult services
- Embedding customer feedback into formal safeguarding processes
Safe Pathways, Transitions and Systems
“We work with people and our partners to establish and maintain safe systems of care, in which safety is managed, monitored and assured. We ensure continuity of care including when people move between different services”.