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Items that may be considered as disability-related expenses

This information is about disability-related expenses. These are the extra costs you may have as a result of your disability or medical condition.

We may take into account any reasonable costs of help or support you need to be able to live independently, as a result of your disability. 

Expenses are not limited to what is necessary for care and support, or what is contained within the care and support plan, although this is a starting point when considering disability related expenditure. For example, above average heating costs can be considered which are due to disability.

Allowances for disability-related expenses can be made when:

  • the expense is a necessary need specifically related to the person’s disability or illness.
  • the expense cannot be provided for a lower cost or for free by another agency.
  • the expense exceeds the cost a person without a disability or medical condition would have to pay for the same item or service.
  • the expense is not being met by the county council as part of a person’s personal budget or by other county council directorates.
  • the expense should not be met by the NHS. Examples of expenses to be met by the NHS can include chiropody, physiotherapy, nutritional supplements, some items of equipment and travel to medical appointments

The following list shows the sorts of items that you may be able to include as disability-related expenses.

Community alarm

The actual costs, unless these have been paid for through housing benefit payments.

Special clothing or footwear

Additional costs may be considered if you need specially tailored clothing, or through exceptional disability-related wear and tear.

Extra bedding

An allowance may be considered for reasonable expenditure over and above an expected regular replacement cycle for bedding (twice a year).   For example as a result of incontinence, skin or other relevant health condition.

Basic garden maintenance

The allowable amount will be based on maintaining a garden to a basic safe standard (such as lawn-cutting, pruning and path clearance). A receipt or invoice would normally be expected. 

Specialist washing powders or exceptional laundry

A disability-related expenditure allowance will be considered where incontinence or other illnesses such as a skin condition  requires you to spend money on additional laundry in excess of generally expected needs.

Purchase, repair and maintenance of disability equipment

No disability-related expenditure allowance will be made for any equipment that has been provided through a funded grant or has been provided free of charge. An allowance will only be made for servicing or repair costs where you have purchased the equipment privately.

Domestic cleaning

A claim will be considered where this is essential to your general health and wellbeing. 

Personal Assistants

Disability-related expenditure will only be allowed where verified costs are over those already provided following the assessment of your care and support needs.

Payments will be considered based on the Care and Support (Direct Payments) Regulations 2014 and other relevant legislation. 


Usual transport costs should be met through your Disability Living Allowance/Personal Independence Payment mobility component and through any  travel concessions, such as a bus pass. The need for specialist transport, such as a wheelchair-accessible taxi,  would usually be noted in your assessment and care and support plan.

Payments will not be considered to people who already have use of a Motability vehicle and choose not to use it.

Any other expenditure

Examples might include, internet access costs needed because of a disability such as sight impairment, or special dietary requirements.

Wherever possible, evidence of the need for the expenses would be provided.

Last updated: 09 March 2022