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Jargon buster

Care and support jargon buster

Read the Thinklocalactpersonal.org.uk care and support jargon buster for further acronym explanations.

Terms and acronyms used in Lifelong Services - Transition

CarePoint 1: Adults' Services contact centre for initial/general social care enquires

CarePoint 2: Social Work, Occupational Therapy and Sensory Adults’ Services teams

CHC: Continuing Health care

Child Looked After: Under the Children Act 1989, a child is legally defined as ‘looked after’ by a local authority if they:

  • get accommodation from the local authority for a continuous period of more than 24 hours
  • are subject to a care order (to put the child into the care of the local authority)
  • are subject to a placement order (to put the child up for adoption)

CLS: Community Led Support

CMB: Council Managed Budget

Customer: the county council's term for an adult who is in receipt of funded social care services

DLA: Disability Living Allowance

DoLS: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards See: LPS

DP: Direct Payments

DPSP: Direct Payments to a Suitable Person. These are set up if the person receiving support lacks capacity to manage a direct payment.

DWP: Department of Work and Pensions

EHC/EHCP: Education Health Care Plan. This replaced the Statement of Education Need

Eligibility: The Care Act 2014 specifies a series of eligibility criteria that people are required to meet in order to receive a service from Adult Social Care. Similar, but different eligibility criteria apply to carers. Eligibility is determined first on the basis of eligible need, and then on the person’s financial means and ability

ESA: Employment Support Allowance

HAP: Health Action Plan

LLS: LifeLong Services

LPS: Liberty Protection Safeguards. This will be replacing Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS))

MCA: Mental Capacity Act/ Mental Capacity Assessment

Needs: The areas of support that people need assistance with for example, to carry out activities of daily living, maintaining independence or contributing towards society

Ordinary Residence: A term used in the Care Act 2014. It means that the county council maintains responsibility for a Child Looked After/young person, if they were placed by the council in residential or supported living accommodation in another local authority area

OT: Occupational Therapy

Outcomes:The activities, tasks, or aims that people want to achieve, that are of importance to them. These are individual to each person

PA: Personal Adviser (Leaving Care Act 2000) OR Personal Assistant (a paid carer, usually funded by direct payments)

PIP: Personal Independence Payment

Pre-Paid Card (PPC): An account system used for receiving Direct Payments

RAS: Resource Allocation System. This is a calculation spreadsheet of indicative budget.

SLCP: Supporting Lives, Connecting People. This is the county council's name for CLS.

UC: Universal Credit

WBA: Welfare Benefits Advisor

Young carer: Anyone aged under 18 who looks after, or helps look after someone is a young carer

Last updated: 02 September 2021