Health and social care integration
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- Health and social care integration

The West Sussex Health and Care Partnership was established in 2020 to deliver the objectives of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Sussex-wide Integrated Care Strategy 'Improving Lives Together' through the Shared Delivery Plan.
We work together to focus on population health and prevention, and to deliver high-quality, joined-up care, through integrated models, such as the district-based Local Community Networks. Our goals are to:
- Address health inequalities
- Tailoring our services to the meet the needs of our populations
- Making care more personalised
- Integrate models of care
- Removing barriers between services that support the same people
- Creating more sustainable models of care
- Transform the way we do things
- Improving our services where it will have the greatest impact
- Reviewing our joint transformation priorities annually
We have developed two key programmes of work for adult social care to deliver in partnership with the NHS.
- Improving hospital discharge
- Extending intermediate care services