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Supporting providers and the care market

As part of our Improvement Programme we developed a new Commissioning Strategy that sets out the current market position, our objectives, and the principles underpinning our commissioning intentions.  We are also implementing and building on our Market Sustainability Plan developed with West Sussex Partners in Care (a local provider representative organisation),  to shape, manage and support the care market.

Our Quality Assurance and Market Support team has now been in place since early 2023 working with providers to maintain and drive improvements in the quality of all care services, and supporting sustainability of the care market.  The team deliver targeted support to providers where quality issues are identified in a service or a provider seeks support.

Recruitment and retention remain a challenge for providers both locally and nationally. To address this pressure we have worked with provider representatives to co-produce the Great Care Employer scheme. This is designed to empower providers to self-assess, to seek support if needed, and to highlight what they can offer to employees and job seekers.  The scheme has been recognised as good practice by both Skills for Care and NHS England.

A newsletter with updates and information for all West Sussex providers is circulated regularly and we also maintain a website which hosts a wide range of information, advice, guidance and resources to support providers. This includes  information about infection prevention and control which has been vital as providers have been managing the changing COVID-19 situation.  (See below).

Infection prevention and control: Public health support to care providers

Infection, prevention and control (IPC) measures and responding to outbreaks are key to preventing spread of infections in settings where people who are most vulnerable receive care, including residential care homes. In line with the Health and Social Care Act 2008, all care homes should have a policy that details the roles and responsibilities of staff in respect of the prevention and control of infection. It is also recommended that all care homes appoint an IPC lead/champion to ensure IPC is embedded into daily resident care.

The Public Health IPC Champion Programme supports domiciliary and care home providers in their delivery of IPC standards through training and audits.  Providers are supported to regularly evaluate their services and to reduce avoidable infections. The programme also aims to create a provider network to improve resilience and continuity of social care businesses in the county.

Public Health commission a specialist IPC audit programme to provide practical support and improve standards in care homes.  The audit assists staff with their knowledge and implementation of risk assessment, prevention, and management of infection outbreaks. Audits result in verbal feedback, a written report and an action plan to support ongoing quality improvement and monitoring.

Comprehensive information and guidance is available on the Provider Zone of the council’s West Sussex Connect to Support website under Infection, Prevention and Control:  IPC Guidelines.  

Last updated: 28 January 2025