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Proactive care +
Proactive Care+ is a service provided jointly by your GP surgery and local community health and social care providers. This multi-disciplinary team will work in a coordinated way, alongside you and your GP, to ensure that you stay as healthy as possible and live independently at home for as long a...
Approved Mental Health Professionals
Mental Health Act The County Council’s statutory responsibilities to provide a Mental Health Act service are described in the Mental Health Act 1983 (revised 2007) , and its associated Code of Practice, Rules, Regulations and Practice Directions. Approved Mental Health Professionals - role and pu...
Safeguarding adults
Websites you may be interested in Safeguarding is protecting an adult's right to live in safety, free from abuse or neglect. It is everyone’s business to prevent abuse by raising any concerns they may have. Report abuse or neglect Abuse or neglect of an adult can take many different forms. It m...
Policy - Strategies - Frameworks Documents Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHP) Service Annual Report 2020-21 Annual Report. Version 1.0, November 2021 Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHP) Service: Annual Report, 2021-22 This annual report for 2021-22 provides details of the range ...
Dementia - symptoms and diagnosis
Symptoms of dementia The Alzheimer’s Society has developed a simple explanation of what dementia is , its causes and symptoms. It also describes some of the different types of dementia. On the Alzheimer's Research UK website you can also tour the brain and discover what different areas of the brai...
Sensory impairment
Websites you may be interested in Hearing loss and deafness Hearing loss and deafness are very common and affects around one in six people in the UK and more than 70 per cent of people aged over 70. It can range in severity from mild loss of hearing to total deafness and may affect only ...
Drug and alcohol support
Websites you may be interested in Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Network - West Sussex NHS Drink Coach Frank People develop problems with drugs or alcohol for a variety of reasons. This can cause difficulties for individuals, their health, their families, and at work, school, or college. Alcohol...
Websites you may be interested in You may need some help to say what you want. An advocate can help you do this. An advocate can also help protect your rights, represent your interests, find things out for you, and help you get the support you need. An advocate can help you if you find it dif...
Help from specialist staff
Specialist health The Learning Disabilities Health Facilitation Team support people with Learning Disabilities to access healthcare in the community and hospital setting. Contact details: Phone: 01403 620438 Email : Your home Social Workers can help you think about wher...
Physical disability
Websites you may be interested in GOV.UK NHS Social care and support guide Workability Independent lives A physical disability is the long-term loss or impairment of part of your body’s physical function. Around 24% of the UK's population have a physical disability (statistics taken from Hous...