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End of life and palliative care
End of life care helps people who are nearing the end of their life to live well and to die in the most comfortable and dignified way possible. It also supports their family and carers in coping with the death of a loved one. End of life care can be available in a hospice, at home, in a hospital o...
Health and wellbeing
Websites you may be interested in West Sussex Wellbeing The Silver Line NHS - Falls Prevention page NHS Live Well - Eat Well The disabled living foundation Improving your health and wellbeing will help you to enjoy other areas of your life. Wellbeing is a friendly and impartial service that...
Support in your community
Support in your community People with a learning disability can use the same community services as everyone else. The law says public organisations have to make changes so that disabled people can access their services. The organisations who have a contract with the County Council or NHS have to m...
Autism is a lifelong developmental (or neurodevelopmental) condition, sometimes referred to as Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC). Autism impacts on the way an individual experiences and interacts with the world. Autism, including Asperger's Syndrome , is much more common than most people think with...
Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs)
The Care Act 2014 states that Safeguarding Adult Boards have a statutory responsibility to arrange a Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) when an adult dies as a result of abuse or neglect (whether known or suspected), or where there is concern that partner agencies could have worked more effectively ...
Safeguarding policies, procedures and protocols
The following policies and procedures underpin all safeguarding adults practice in West Sussex. They come from three different areas: West Sussex County Council West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board Sussex Safeguarding Policies and Procedures (West Sussex County Council, East Sussex County Counci...