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Training and employment
Finding a job or choosing a career The National Careers Service provides help online, by telephone or face-to-face to help you choose or change career. Job Centre Plus is a universal service - this means they will help anyone on benefits to find work or move closer to being in work. They have off...
Going in and coming out of hospital
Websites you may be interested in Hospital admissions can be planned or they can be emergencies. This area of the website aims to help with some of the uncertainties and anxieties you might face before, during and after your hospital stay. It suggests ways you can plan ahead for when you return ho...
If you need someone to help
Personal budget This is money you can use to buy your care and support. To get a personal budget you have to have an assessment. This is done by your local Lifelong Service Adults Team. You, your family or friends can call Adults CarePoint on 01243 642121 . Your home (and your needs) An assessmen...
Staff AI Assistant
Hello! I am your AI Assistant. I've been loaded with all existing practice guidance and policies (excludes Mosaic guidance). I'll will draw on this material first to answer questions. I learn from interaction from users and may modify future answers accordingly. If the same question is repeatedly ...
Living well with dementia
A dementia diagnosis can often come as a shock and you may need time to adjust. Following this, many people find that by making some changes, they can continue to live well and have a fulfilling life. The Social Care Institute for Excellence has produced an award-winning video exploring how six p...
Choice and control - for people with social care needs
Information for people with social care needs Working out how much money you need We use the information from your assessment to estimate an amount of money to meet your social care needs. The actual amount you receive is called your 'personal budget', and we will confirm how much this will be onc...
Staying in a residential or nursing home for a short time
If you have an emergency, or you or your carer need a break, you may need to stay in a residential or nursing home for a short time. If you have more than £23,250 in capital assets ( including property, but not the value of your main or only home), you will have to pay the full cost of your stay. ...
What is safeguarding?
Please view this website using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Firefox, and not Internet Explorer. Safeguarding adults is the process of enabling adults with care and support needs to protect themselves from abuse or neglect. This includes adults with care and support needs who are already expe...
Getting started
Learning Disability Someone with a learning disability is not able to learn and do things at the same rate as others. This is lifelong. It differs from person to person but affects things like socialising or managing money, doing jobs around the house and work in general. For more information visi...
Leaflets and posters
New safeguarding leaflets and posters The Safeguarding Adults Board has produced a new information leaflet - Adult Safeguarding - Supporting people to be safe in West Sussex, an Easy Read version , and four new Safeguarding posters . Please help us to share this information with colleagues and pe...