- A helpline for information and support, including finding and paying for alternative care, your rights as a carer, taking a break, looking after yourself and planning for the future
- Carer Wellbeing Support Workers who can offer information and emotional support to help you in your caring role.
- Carers Assessments carried out on behalf of the local authority. This is not an assessment of how well someone is caring. It is about how a caring role is affecting someone’s life. An assessment can help a carer to consider the needs they have and may enable them to feel recognised and supported as a carer. An assessment can lead a carer to find ways of better managing their stress or physical health, improve their financial situation and enjoy activities outside of caring. It can also help to come up with an action plan if anything goes wrong or if additional help is ever needed.
To find out more, contact Carers Support West Sussex.
Phone: 0300 028 8888
Email: info@carerssupport.org.uk