If you have great difficulty being involved in planning your social care support, and do not have someone else to represent you, West Sussex County Council (WSCC) and its partnership organisations must under the Care Act provide you with an (ICAA).
Independent Care Act Advocates can help you:
- be fully involved in your social care assessment, care planning, and review
- if WSCC are supporting you because you are at risk of abuse or neglect.
An Independent Care Act Advocate can:
- listen to you
- obtain information for you, or put you in touch with someone who can
- investigate other sources of support
- find out what your rights are
- help you to plan any action you may need or wish to take
- spend time with you preparing for meetings
- attend meetings with you
- help you to put across your viewpoint to others
- link with relevant agencies on your behalf
The Independent Care Act Advocacy Service is provided by a partnership organisation. Referrals to the ICAA service are made through your social care worker or health care worker.
If you are a social care professional working for an organisation external to West Sussex County Council you can make a referral for an individual using the online form.
Online Advocacy Referral Form.
You can contact Adults’ CarePoint for more information.
Online: online enquiry form
Phone: 01243 642121
NGT Text Relay: 18001 01243 642121 (For deaf callers from a textphone or the NGT Lite app downloaded onto a computer, tablet or smartphone).
Online: 'Online contact us form'