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Special educational needs and disability (SEND)

Special educational needs and disability or SEND applies to children and young people aged between 0 and 25 years old who have a learning difficulty or a disability that makes it harder for them to learn than others of the same age. They may need extra support to access mainstream education or some special educational provision.

Many children and young people will have SEN at some time during their education.

Children and young people with SEND might have a range of needs, or may struggle in just one area, for example, letters and numbers or communication.

Support services 

West Sussex Local Offer

Local Offer is a website with information about support and services for children and young people who have special educational needs and disabilities and their families. You can use it to find out about services, support groups and leisure activities that are available in West Sussex.


Carers Support West Sussex

Carers Support West Sussex offers information and advice, support groups and information sessions for parents who are caring for a child or young person with a disability. It also has support groups for carers of a young person or an adult with an eating disorder.

Phone: 0300 028 8888

Email: info@carerssupport.org.uk


West Sussex SENDIAS (SEND Information, Advice and Support) Service 

The West Sussex SENDIAS Service provides impartial information, advice and support to parents/carers of children and young people (0-25) with SEND as well as children and young people themselves.

Phone:  0330 222 8555

Parent/Carers - Emailsend.ias@westsussex.gov.uk

Children and Young People - Email : cyp.sendias@westsussex.gov.uk



Your Space

Your Space is a website for young people in West Sussex. It has advice and information on bullying, sexual health, mental health, activities, courses, careers, youth clubs and FindItOut centres across West Sussex.


West Sussex Disability Register

West Sussex County Council collects information about children and young people age 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to help plan and deliver their services. The register is maintained by the West Sussex Library Service.

As a thank you for signing up for the Disability Register West Sussex County Council is providing the individual with a MAX Card. A max card will provide discounts on attractions and activities across England.

To claim your card, you need to show your confirmation email you receive upon finishing registration to a member of the Library Service at your closest library.

Find out more about the Disability Register and how to register.

Last updated: 05 January 2024